Enrollment Agreement

VIP Waitlist

As a person on the VIP waitlist, I understand that my $10 fee is not non-refundable and gives me early access to selected spaces in the Inner Circle App as well as a guaranteed spot within my selected chapter once launched, as others who come thereafter may be waitlisted until further notice.

By joining the VIP waitlist, I understand that once my chapter is launched (which you’ll be informed in advance), I will be automatically upgraded from waitlisted to an active chapter member, as then the card on file will be charged according to the payment type selected during your application. If, for any reason, you’d like to change your payment types before the chapter is launched, email memberservices@motherboardsociety.com BEFORE the launch date.

Active Member

As an active member of MOTHERboard Society™, I will continuously conduct myself with integrity and honesty. I vow to uphold MOTHERboard Society’s™ mission of the empowerment of working moms. I will keep a positive attitude and adhere to high standards culturally, intellectually, and morally. I understand that public and private behaviors should reflect the values and principles supported by MOTHERboard Society™. I understand that MBS is dedicated to creating a safe space, respecting differing opinions, and honoring encouragement and transparency.

Private and sensitive information learned about other members in MBS-affiliated meetings will remain confidential. To remain an active member of my chapter, I must pay my annual dues and adhere to MOTHERboard Society™ protocol as outlined by the Founder and Chapter Presidents.

The more I put into MOTHERboard Society™, the more I will receive. Full participation is encouraged. I will strive to attend regular meetings and events, invite visitors, and bring referrals to the group. I understand that agreeing to everything listed above guarantees that I will remain a member in good standing. I am dedicated to the growth, betterment, and evolution of what it means to be a career-driven woman in motherhood.

I certify that all statements made in this application are true and correct. I understand any misrepresentations or false statements may be grounds for rejecting my application or may subject me to immediate termination at MBS’s discretion without any reimbursement. I further understand that my membership is conditional upon, and I agree, accept, and will abide by these terms and conditions. I acknowledge that a breach of these terms, conditions, and policies shall be grounds for terminating my membership. I acknowledge that acceptance of my application is at the sole discretion of MBS. I understand and agree that upon acceptance, all membership types are a 12-month commitment and can only be changed after the 12 months. FEES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE without exception.