Frequently Asked Questions.
I’m interested in learning about MOTHERboard Society and Membership - what now?
We are here for you, mama, now and throughout the entire membership experience!
To learn more, RSVP for Member Info Session which runs monthly. This 60 min interactive session takes you through the entire membership experience, demo of our Inner Circle virtual platform, member benefits, and Q&A. Shhh…don’t tell, but we have some secret promo codes and exciting opportunities offered exclusively to guests at the event!
Want to sign up immediately? Check us out and get started or contact memberservices@MOTHERboard Society.com
There are a lot of other options out there -- In fact, I have 5 other courses sitting on my computer, waiting for me. What makes MOTHERboard Society different?
First, MOTHERbaord Society is NOT “another course” or even “another membership group.” It’s so much more… and LESS. Yes, less. We know you’re already overwhelmed with ideas, content, courses, and information. That’s why we will help you start with the end in mind and figure out what you need to do TOMORROW to get you where you want to be in your career and your life. Then we give you the specific skills to get there… and make sure you get it. You’re never left alone to figure it out on your own. Focus. Accountability. Guidance. Support. And a whole bunch of laughter to go along with it.
Why do you limit enrollment periods?
We are absolutely dedicated to making sure each and every one of our members receive the royal treatment when she joins. We limit enrollment to a few times a year so we can create an experience where new members are warmly received, supported, and guided to all that MBS has to offer. By holding dedicated enrollment periods, we can dedicate time and resources to welcoming each new “class” of members.
What type of events do you host?
There is no shortage of events for working moms at MOTHERboard Society and we’ve got something for everyone!
MBS Virtual Community Events: Member orientation, local virtual & in person meetups and lots of connection.
Networking Events: Meet members within your local chapter as you build your network and gain new friends!
How-To Events: Get educated on all the hot topics, build your Tools & Resources without paying the big bucks in our How-To event series.
BizStorm Events: CEO’s of similar stages, connect and brainstorm to support each other through challenges.
Coworking Events: Meet entrepreneurs and corporate moms virtually, as access to a chic coworking space and join our networking lunch.
Signature Events: Momsgiving, Mother’sDay Event, and the newly MBS Summit are three of our headliner yearly events attracting women nation-wide!
Member Led Meetups: Want to host a local in-person coffee, happy hour or playdate in the park to meet other working moms? We encourage our members to get involved! MOTHERboard Society provides a How-To guide on organizing a local meetup, and helps get the word out!
We get that time is scarce & schedules are hectic, because we are all busy mamas! Most virtual events can be accessed on-demand to watch at your convenience. Take a peek & RSVP for this month's events here.
Who can I expect to meet in the community?
We don’t just believe that our differences are precisely what makes the MOTHERboard Society community such an inclusive, dynamic, powerful place to be — we know it firmly and see it in action every day. We’ve come together based on the things we have in common — motherhood and being a working mom — but the benefit we get from being here is a direct result of the diversity of experiences, perspectives, and identities within the community.
Our membership is composed of mamas from diverse religions, races, ethnicities, citizenships, ages, parenting stages, family makeups, gender orientations & social preferences.
Making MOTHERboard Society a welcoming, valuable space for this diversity is our highest priority.
What are the member dues applied to?
Like with most memberships, there is a fee accessed, which guarantees members access to The Club and its benefits. Payment of dues ensures that members will remain active. Club benefits include access to exclusive events, discounts, and networks. Fees also go toward organizational processes, technology, development, and maintenance. Special guests, initiatives, etc. are also covered with member fees. When you sign up for membership, you are agreeing to this arrangement.
How will MOTHERboard Society promote my company/Features?
Highlighting our members is an organic part of who we are as a professional networking group for moms. We are proud to feature members across various platforms and channels, including:
Meet a Member with a dedicated feature on MOTHERboard Society Connect awarded to our most engaged members!
Shoutout to members who refer new members to our community - our favorite type of referrals!
Shoutout to members who have been in the community 4+ years, renewing year after year!
Attend The Intro: Meet MOTHERboard Society, sign up for membership and you can be part of our new member collective feature!
Contribute interesting and discussion- worthy content on MOTHERboard Society Connect, and we will pin your post to the top for all to see!
Love MOTHERboard Society and want to shout it from the rooftops? Let us know! We feature member testimonials monthly and tag you.
Which conversations drive the most traffic? We highlight a roundup of our top monthly posts.
Collab with another MOTHERboard Society member and we will feature both of you in our weekly newsletter The Latest!
Member features during intermission at our monthly national community event Mama Matchmaking!
How do I meet moms/members in my industry?
MOTHERboard Society makes connecting with members in your industry easy!
MOTHERboard Society Inner Circle: Our private member platform, MOTHERboard Society Connect, is divided into chapters and interests. Strike up a discussion in our member forums. Share a topic of expertise, ask questions, and share ideas! Need a podcast guest, ask away! If you are looking to change jobs or hiring for a job, let it be known! Going to a conference and don’t want to go alone? Send your invite here. AND much more.
Member Directory: Search our vast member directory of incredible mamas. Use the advanced search filters to find members in specific industries, location, parenting stage and more. Drill down on any member to access a full profile including email, website and bio. Get in touch 1:1 and let the magic happen!
Career Catalyst Collective: Connect, collab, and brainstorm with members nationwide through small breakout sessions during this hour-long monthly community event.
How-To Events: MOTHERboard Society curates virtual How-To events by industry on hot topics requested by our members. How-To build your marketing list, How-To publish a non-fiction book, How-To create a website that sells are just a few industry topics covered! Can’t make it to the live event? Watch all of these events and more on-demand.
Tools & Resources: Some of our Tools & Resources include: industry- specific DIY, How-To guides and toolkits by members for members! Want to contribute a guide on how to start an LLC, hire & build your team or create a viral tik tok video? - we would love to hear from you and share in our Connect Platform.
What if my city is not listed?
If your city is not listed on the dropdown menu during open enrollment, it either means that Chapter is no longer accepting new members, or a Chapter does not exist at this time. A Chapter may not be accepting new members for several reasons, including but not limited to Chapter capacity, leadership transitions, or special circumstances. Before every open enrollment, we will release a list of Chapters set to open for new members.
How do I become a Leader in my city?
If you are interested in taking on the role of Chapter President or Vice President, please send an email tt info@motherbaordsociety.com with your resume expressing interest. If we are interested in moving forward, you will be contacted by a member of our team.
Can I join a Chapter in a different state/city if my city isn’t available during enrollment?
Under NO circumstances, should you sign up for another Chapter in an attempt to be switched to a closed Chapter or a Chapter that is not listed. If this happens, unfortunately, we will have to cancel your membership. However, if your Chapter is full, you may be prompted to select the Chapter closest to you (this will be based on availability and a number of other factors).
Can I sign up for two Chapters?
No, please only select one Chapter when you sign up.
How do I start a Chapter?
All prospective new Chapters/cities are selected by the MBSteam based on a number of socio-economic factors. At this time, we are not taking “New Chapter Requests.”
If I travel a lot from city to city, do I have to join two Chapters in those specific cities?
Depending on the Membership tier you select, you will be able to participate in the activities of Chapters in other cities. You will need to select the “Socialite” tier if this is something you’re interested in.
If I am a member, and decide to move, can I switch Chapters?
Yes. Once a member, always a member, no matter where you are. Transfer requests can be put in at any time, but will only take effect quarterly. Exceptions will be made for unique/extreme circumstances. You will need to fill out the transfer form to update your records. Contact memberservices@motherboardsociety.com for this form.
Is there an age minimum/maximum?
The MBS age minimum is 21 years old. However, we do not have an age maximum. We believe that as long as interested parties share our mission, goals and come with an open heart and mind, then they belong here atMBS
Is there a waitlist?
There is no waitlist at this time. You must join during periods of open enrollment. If you are unable to join during that time, there is no list you can be added to. However, we look forward to having you join us during the next period of new membership.
What's the most important thing to have on my MBS profile?
Your MOTHERboard Society profile is like your Instagram bio, the more information you provide, the more followers (Connections) you’ll get!
Every member should update their profile with the most recent:
Address (Moved? Update your address so we can invite you to local events)
Email (all emails can be blurred to protect privacy and must be copied to a clipboard)
How? Login to MOTHERboard Society Connect and click on your photo in the top right corner. Click Edit Profile/General to include your headshot, email or update your address. Click Edit Profile/Career to include your website and scroll down to Career Summary to drop your bio.
I'm looking to meet moms near me. How can I do that?
We are a digital- first community, but there’s nothing like hugging your fellow mamas and feeling that in-person love!
MOTHERboard Society Coworking Days: Join local members in-person at our coworking days! Bring your laptop, work in a chic space and connect during our networking lunch.
In-Person Events: Join us at our in-person signature events to connect, meet friends, brainstorm and have fun! Strong Like A Mama and Summit are a couple of our yearly highlights with fun activations, speakers, fitness classes and lots of local bonding!
Member Led Meetups: Want to host a local in-person coffee, happy hour or playdate in the park? We encourage our members to get involved! MOTHERboard Society provides a How-To guide on organizing a local meetup, and helps get the word out!
Regional Meetups: Can’t make it to an in-person meetup but want to connect with local mamas? We’ve got you covered! MOTHERboard Society hosts quarterly virtual regional meetups.
Member Directory: Search our vast member directory by specific location(s) and connect 1:1 with members in your neighborhood.