Woohoo! You’ve registered and reserved your space for…

The Elevate the Juggle Challenge

 live session

Here’s what you need to join us for this live session:

There will be a replay, but you’ll want to join live because it will be a live co-working call, meaning that you’ll be able to see and interact with the other participants, which makes it a really amazing session (the energy will be amazing!).


WHEN: Tuesday, 9/20, Wednesday, 10/4, and Thursday, 10/5
TIME: 12 pm ET /11 am CT / 9am PST
WHERE: On our App! Gain Access Once Registered! This is the link where the session will take place. Click the link now to create a profile on our app! Once in, feel free to introduce yourself!

If you’re new to Motherboard Society and Danielle Melton , here are some brilliant videos to watch before the Elevate the Juggle Challenge!

Listen to Danielle speak about the working mom burnout issue in working mothers and how she plans on facing it head-on. Watch it here >